Searching and Browsing
We have many convenient ways for you to browse our site.
- Use the side and top links on each page.
Use the keyword
search at the top of every page.
- Use the
Shop Site Pages
Each method lets you click through to product detail pages, which can also be browsed by clicking on the next page button. You can conveniently order from all sections as you prefer.
How-To for US Orders
How-to guide to making purchases online at Phoenix Orion. You have complete choice of payment options.
Free Ship w/$50 for US
See our shipping rates and shipping policies for U.S. We have lower shipping costs and quicker delivery to serve you better. Express Overnight delivery available.
International Orders
How-to guide to making international purchases online at Phoenix Orion. Your payment options and low, low airmail shipping rates. We have lower shipping costs and quicker delivery to serve you better.
Privacy and Security
It's safe to shop at Phoenix Orion. Read our privacy pledge and secure transactions guarantee.
About Phoenix Orion
We are a traditional family business dedicated to personalized and friendly service. Nicole and son Clint,
grand daughter Chloe and extended family members
are happy to assist you with your needs. Our goal is to bring selection, quality, value and convenience to our wonderful and very loyal customers.
Our Return Policy
See our easy 30-day money back satisfaction guarantee. No
return authorization or reason is required if item is returned in new condition within 30
days of order date.
Free Gifts with $50.00 Orders
When you order $50.00 or more in merchandise, you can choose from a large variety of Free Gifts. These Free Gifts are shipped to you at no extra shipping charge, but you must choose a gift in order to receive it with your order.
Gifts and Free
Sentiment Cards
Send Gifts by using our ship to section of the shopping cart. We
provide a free Gift Card with the sentiments you express in the shopping cart
comments box.
Follow the easy instructions at

Order $50.00 or more and get 1 free gift wrapping
and sentiment card at your request!
We have so many testimonials from customers in the US and overseas we can't put them all online. We have a 110% commitment to making your online shopping experience pleasant and enjoyable!
Close Out Sales & Newsletters
Our closeouts are an amazing value! Check out our Daily Specials and our Blowout Sales. If you see something you like today, act fast because it may not be here tomorrow.
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Free Newsletter, you will receive special discounts and notice of private sales of your favorite items.
Contact Us
You can contact us at 727-738-1799 or email us at: